According To A New York Times Report Biden Is Talking About Protecting Undocumented Spouses Of US Citizens

According To A New York Times Report Biden Is Talking About Protecting Undocumented Spouses Of US Citizens

There are rumors that Biden will try to support immigrants again, especially undocumented spouses of US citizens.

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
June 14, 2024

Lately there are rumors that President Biden will finally try to support immigrants again, especially undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. According to the New York Times and other newspapers, the White House is preparing a new executive order to give work permits and parole protection to the more than two million spouses of U.S. citizens who are currently struggling to obtain residency, especially if they did not enter the U.S. legally. Check our website at for the latest news.

Pro-immigrant groups have been calling for more than a year for this kind of executive action instead of just attacks and restrictions at the border against immigrants, we expect Biden to announce this measure in the coming days or weeks as it would be key for his campaign and to get votes from Latino immigrants and pro-justice people. Many pro-justice organizations such as the ACLU American Civil Liberties Union and Latino groups have strongly criticized that Biden is only listening to Republican policy and anti-immigrant restrictions, especially with last week's program that restricts access to asylum by punishing people at the border. 

We ask Biden that if he is really for justice and immigrants as he has said in recent years then he should do something for immigrants, also to stimulate the U.S. economy, such as giving work permits to spouses of U.S. citizens. It is important that we continue to put pressure on the White House by expressing that if they want our vote they have to support immigrants.

Although it is very possible that if they approve this program there will be a legal challenge from the Republicans, it can still be tried, they can design it similar to the DACA program so that people at least get a work permit and a stay to remain in the country. Now more than ever it is important since many families are afraid that if Trump wins mass deportations will begin even against immediate family members of U.S. citizens.

Everyone must understand that this for now is only a rumor, it has not been approved and still has to go through a process. We will continue to demand from Biden that if he wants our vote he must support justice for immigrants.


There is still a humanitarian parole program for Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans to enter the United States, it is important to know that through this program people from these countries can get special permission to come directly from their countries legally.

Thousands of people have come through this program, especially people from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, but there are still more spaces available. Apparently there is a lot of ignorance about this program, many people who can qualify are not taking advantage of it and choose to come without permission through dangerous routes especially from Nicaragua and Venezuela, when this program exists and is very viable. 

Many do not understand that the sponsors do not have to be relatives or citizens of the same country, in other words a U.S. citizen, not a relative or friend can apply for them, they only have to fill out a form and demonstrate that they meet the economic requirements, which are not very strict. If you want to know more about this program you can contact my office, because we are sure that if Trump wins, he will put an end to the program and as the situation at the border every day is more difficult. It's best if your relatives can come safely.  

There are also churches and organizations that help to find sponsors so that people from these countries can enter legally. If you need more information you can call my office at 616-235-4577 or check our website at for more information and the latest news on the work permits.