Biden it is now or never executive action must be taken to support immigrants

Biden it is now or never executive action must be taken to support immigrants

As we discussed last week, there are several actions the president can take to help immigrants while Congress is deadloc

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
May 3, 2024

As we discussed last week, there are several actions the president can take to help immigrants while Congress is deadlocked. Pro-immigrant organizations and groups are planning mobilizations to demand that Biden take action. organizations and groups are planning mobilizations to demand that Biden take these actions. 

In the coming weeks more than a hundred national, state and local organizations such as Cosecha and others are beginning to mobilize Cosecha and others are beginning the fight to pressure Biden to pass programs like the ones I mentioned last week: for spouses of U.S. citizens, for new people who qualify for DACA, and for people who have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years in the U.S. and workers, especially farm workers.

They have approved programs to help Venezuelans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Ukrainians, etc., and it is time to support those who have been living in the U.S. for many years, most of them Mexicans and Central Americans. If Biden wants to have a chance to win the elections in November, he urgently needs to do something. elections in November it is urgent that he do something concrete to support these immigrants. 

According to the leaders of pro-immigrant organizations such as CHIRLA in California, Cosecha, and others, we who are pro-immigrant need to put pressure on Biden if he wants to win key states like Michigan,Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin. He has to motivate immigrants who have become citizens and their families to vote for him.

Authorizing work permits and protections for these undocumented groups are things he can and should do. Local immigrant groups will be campaigning for Biden to make this decision in the coming weeks before the conventions in August to decide the nominee. If we are supposed to work hard for the elections we should see something concrete done by the president.


Recently the presumptive nominee Trump said he is going to use local police, sheriffs and state police to arrest and deport all undocumented immigrants. In an interview with Time Magazine the former president said if he wins he will be tougher than before when he ordered massive raids using detention camps and increased expedited deportations without a hearing, as well as making life miserable at the border with more walls and more agents, including soldiers. He also wants to attack the undocumented undocumented immigrants who have remained in the U.S. for many years, among them people with children and even grandchildren born in the United States.

In this interview Trump is taking a harder line than ever before and that is why it is very important that we do everything we can to show people that while we don't agree with all of Biden’s actions, he is the best available option. As I said before we must insist that Biden has to do something substantial for immigrants.

These types of statements from Trump are nothing new, but apparently they are more drastic and he is using all of this to distort statistics by claiming that immigrants are committing more crimes than others when statistics show that immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, commit less crime than others.

It is sad that once again we have to choose the least bad candidates but unfortunately that's the way it is. The situation has been lousy so we must do two things: first demand that Biden do the right thing and at least pass executive actions like Obama did with DACA and second to open the eyes of the people who say there is no difference between Biden and Trump and that they are not going to vote or that they are not going to ask their citizen family members to vote because there is no difference.


This past May 1st, International Labor Day, the group Cosecha sent hundreds of protesters to the Michigan Legislature to call on the Democrats to act now. We again find ourselves in the position where the Democrats won elections in two state representative districts. There more they have a majority, albeit by two votes,  and they must use it to pass the famous “Drive Michigan Forward '' bill. It is important that we push for the bill and we must ask the governor to use all her influence. In the next few days we will be doing a campaign calling both her office and the Democratic congressmen from Grand Rapids. We must do everything we can to get them to pass the license bill now that they have a majority in the senate and house of representatives. It cannot be that we trust them by giving them our vote in elections and then they ignore us when it is time to propose and pass pro-immigrant legislation like the license bill.

¡Sí se puede!