People benefiting from Biden's new program should be aware that they are at risk of the following.

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
September 27, 2024

People from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela benefiting from Biden's new program who entered the United States legally with a permit to remain in the country for 2 years should be aware that they are at risk if they are not aware of the following:

The humanitarian parole program gives permission to legally enter the United States and a 2-year stay to individuals from the above countries who filed an application and have a sponsor in the United States. These people must understand that even if they enter the country legally, their legal stay expires in 2 years from the date of their arrival in the United States and there is no guarantee that they will be granted a new visa that will allow them to remain in the country.

Another important thing is that most of the people coming from these countries, I would dare to say 90%, came because of political problems in these countries where there is a lot of repression, most of these people have been mistreated or persecuted by the government of these countries especially because of their political opinion or activities, if this is the case of a person who has entered through the humanitarian parole, they should keep in mind that they must file an asylum application or form I-589 with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USICS), WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THEIR ARRIVAL IN THE COUNTRY, which is called an affirmative asylum application, if they do it after one year they do not qualify for asylum.

It is also advisable that people request the help of an immigration attorney and they must understand that it is not simply a matter of answering the questions on the application or saying that they are against the government of their country because they are communists, etc., they must explain in detail the reasons why they are afraid to return and that they have suffered or believe they will suffer mistreatment as a consequence of their political opinion or being activists and participating in demonstrations, etc. That is why it is very important that the person who helps them is an attorney or person specialized in these cases who works in an agency authorized by the immigration board.

At this moment many people who arrived through this program are having problems because they did not send their asylum application within the year.

Also if these people have family members who have already received asylum it is important that they send the necessary documentation to be included in the process, which must be done within a limited time of when their immediate family members, spouses, parents of minor children have received asylum.

Also some people may qualify for the TPS program depending on the date they entered the country, such as Venezuelans or Haitians should also check if they qualify to apply for TPS within the indicated time.

As I mentioned last week this program was reactivated and people who are in these countries can now apply again for humanitarian parole if they have a sponsor in the United States, they should understand that the sponsor requirements will now be stricter.


We recently saw at the campaign event in Pennsylvania, which is one of the most hotly contested states, that at some Trump rallies his supporters were calling for immigrants to leave the United States and with “deport them now” signs were shouting for them to leave the country.

We have also seen the plight of Haitians in Springfield Ohio when both candidate Trump and his vice presidential candidate, who is from Ohio, have told absurd lies to try to frighten voters. It is important that we do not allow hate and fear to be the reason we elect a racist president.

Recently a Haitian organization, filed a formal lawsuit in the state of Ohio against Trump and his vice presidential candidate for telling lies about stupidity that have no evidence and trying to frighten the public with ridiculous lies to win the election. This lawsuit probably won't get very far but it is an example that we must challenge their lies and not allow them with lies and hate to win elections.


Again, ask your family, friends and acquaintances who are U.S. citizens to register and show up to vote - it's getting close! If you have any questions on how or where to register or vote either on Election Day or by mail, you can call my office at 616-235-4577.