Its Time To Apply For Naturalization Special Promotion

Its Time To Apply For Naturalization Special Promotion

Beginning July 17th and ending July 31st our office will have a special promotion.

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
July 19, 2024

Beginning July 17th and ending July 31st our office will have a special promotion to discount $300 from the total attorney’s fees to the people who apply for naturalization citizenshsip of the month of July.  This also gives the opportunity to new citizens to vote in the November elections this year.  Call our office as soon as possible. The attorney's fee is generally $1,200, sometimes there is an additional cost if the person has a criminal or immigration background or other complications.

The requirements to become a U.S. citizen are:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Be a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) for at least 5 years.some text
    • EXCEPTION persons who obtained their residency through marriage to a U.S. citizen and those who serve or served in the U.S. armed forces may apply 3 years after becoming a resident (applications may be submitted 3 months earlier).
  • Complete Form N-400 and pay the fee to the immigration office, which is currently $760.00 if sent by regular mail or $710.00 if sent electronically. In the case of people with a low income you may apply for a waiver to waive or pay a reduced fee (consult with the attorney) for which you will need proof of your income tax or proof that you are in low income programs.
  • You must also pass a U.S. history and civics test and have some knowledge of the English language except for people who are at least 50 years of age and have 20 years of legal permanent residency, or 55 years of age and 15 years of legal permanent residence. People meeting these requirements may take the test in the language of their country of origin or with an interpreter. In addition, persons over 65 years of age and with 20 years of legal permanent residence can take a simpler test that consists of having to study only 10 questions.
  • Be of good moral character or have not been in trouble with the law for at least the last 5 years (check with your attorney).
  • Not have been outside the U.S. for long periods of time (ask the attorney for details).


Persons who have certain medical problems with memorization and cannot pass the test due to certain medical conditions may submit with their naturalization application a form N-648 signed by their doctor or psychologist explaining their condition and how it affects their ability to learn and take the test.


Some situations that may affect your ability to apply for citizenship are: owing federal or local taxes or child support.

Also, if you have had a criminal record or immigration problems, it is important to discuss these issues with your attorney. Some criminal records, such as a conviction for domestic violence even if it was many years ago and you only had to pay a fine, may affect your ability to apply for naturalization as well as other criminal records or immigration arrests even if they occurred many years ago before you applied for residency and were not mentioned at the time.

Therefore, it is very important that at the time of applying for citizenship you mention these kind of arrests of legal issues, otherwise not only is there a danger that your citizenship application will be denied, but also you may also be called to appear before an immigration judge to since immigration had no knowledge of these legal issues and may try to deport you for concealing them.

You will also need to submit with your application official records and certified documents from all courts or police reports indicating the charges and sentences.

If you meet the above requirements you can call our office to schedule an appointment soon and have the opportunity to take the test and be sworn in to obtain citizenship before November and vote in the elections.

Although remember that it is important to obtain citizenship not only for the opportunity to vote in the elections but also for the benefits that you can never lose your citizenship and can petition for other family members such as siblings or married children that residents cannot do, also stay out of the United States indefinitely and receive government medical benefits that a resident cannot.

If you are interested call our office as soon as possible and take advantage of this July promotion - Month of Freedom and Independence!