The Big Lies In The Interview Between Trump And Elon Musk

The Big Lies In The Interview Between Trump And Elon Musk

A few days ago the presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with the millionaire Elon Musk.

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
August 16, 2024

A few days ago the presidential candidate Trump had a conversation with the millionaire Elon Musk on his program X (previously Twitter). Supposedly it was going to be the most watched interview and that millions of people were going to listen to it. For more than two hours Trump talked and answered questions with Mr. Musk who is one of the richest entrepreneurs and investors in the world and also owner of X, one of the biggest platforms on the internet.

The two who are known as “talkers” discussed ut many things and candidate Trump came out as usual saying more lies and falsehoods than truths.

Trump particularly regarding the immigration issue said that every month millions of people come to the United States without permission, which is completely false. According to Customs and Border Control (CBP) data the numbers indicate that they have never been close to a million people, there is no month during the Biden and Harris administration, which began in January 2021, in which the number of people who tried to illegally enter the United States, who did not necessarily cross, has reached close to a million, the highest peak was only a little more than a third, 370 thousand encounters of immigrants without documents and security agents.

It is a sign of Trump's great desperation and his lack of honesty. The sad thing is that many people do not understand.

Another big lie he told in the interview is that countries like Venezuela are kicking people directly out of their prisons and mental health hospitals to invade the United States. There is no truth to the supposed reduction of crime in Venezuela because it is emptying its prisons and sending them to the United States. There is no evidence of the reduction of crime in Venezuela or that the government of Venezuela is involved in emigrating their citizens.

Maybe this idea came from a program of Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the 70's when through the Mariel program 45 years ago Castro let people with criminal records or mental and physical problems out of Cuban prisons. Obviously this has nothing to do with the current situation and is yet another example of Trump's lies.

Another false statement in the interview is that Democratic candidate Harris was a “border czar” and is now denying it, that is also false. The title of “border czar” is a title the Republicans have given the vice president, when she was simply assigned the specific task of investigating the root causes of immigration into the United States from the northern triangle of Central America: Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, it was not any formal position having to do with the border in particular.

In addition to the immigration related lies he told many other falsehoods such as we have the worst economic inflation in the last 100 years when inflation is going down and right now is less than 3% much less than in the 80s and 70s even during the Trump administration when the inflation percentage was higher.

Regarding the inflation issue 2022 was the worst during Biden's term average at almost 8% but it dropped by more than half in 2023 and now it is about 3% much much less than the 80s let alone the record 40 years of inflation.

It is sad that many people do not know of Trump's lies and that there are citizens who only listen to his repetitive lies believing it to be the truth. We must ask the media both television, internet, radio and newspapers to closely review Trump's statements and ask him to speak the truth especially on the topic of immigration. They seek to blame crime and any social or economic problem on immigrants when it is well known that most of the serious crimes such as homicides are committed at a greater rate by American citizens.

Trump and his crony Musk, who is giving him millions of dollars per month, can do the interviews and tell the lies they want, but we have to keep denouncing and calling out the lies.

American Citizens 

Let's get ready for the election!