Trump And The Republicans Project 2025 is a Nightmare

Trump And The Republicans Project 2025 is a Nightmare

Several weeks ago, the conservatives' master plan called Plan 2025 was released to the public.

Originally Published in Spanish in El Vocero Hispano on
August 2, 2024

Several weeks ago, the conservatives' master plan called Plan 2025 was released to the public. It consists of more than 900 pages elaborated by the activist group Heritage Foundation that includes many immigration issues that will be in the hands of conservative Republicans in the event they win the White House and Congress. The Heritage Foundation has been at the center of conservative politics for many years and is where many of the ultra-conservative Republican plans come from. 

This has recently generated a lot of fear among the immigrant and pro-justice community because it includes plans for massive deportations against undocumented immigrants throughout the United States, in addition to installing military presence and border walls among other very anti-immigrant aspects.

These types of policies are formally part of the Republican party platform and more than 80% of the people who worked on the project were appointed during the Trump administration. 

As is typical of Trump, when the program came out, which also includes aspects against women's civil rights, Trump panicked and said that he knew nothing about the program and did not necessarily support it, although we know that he is 100% in agreement with the anti-immigrant policy. 

Regarding immigration policies, advisors Steven Miller and Ken Cuccenelli are some of the most famous anti-immigrant leaders who helped to develop the part of mass deportations and anti-immigrant strategy. Recently also other people like JD Vance Trump's vice presidential candidate have amplified many of the anti-immigrant recommendations. We must continue to let everyone know the dangers of this program, not only against immigrants but also against the justice of the United States which would also negatively affect the U.S. economy.


In addition to the militarization of the border, there will be increased penalties for violations of immigration laws including making them criminal cases, which means that people can go to prison, extreme vetting of applications submitted by non-Christian applicants, punishing jurisdictions such as pro-justice cities or states (sanctuary cities) by taking away federal funds and also decreasing family-based immigration by cleaning out citizens or legal permanent residents from bringing their family members to the United States as in the case of parents petitioning for their children and citizens petitioning for their siblings.

It is very important that immigrants especially citizens who have the right to vote are aware of this bill because we do not want surprises in 2025 if Trump wins when they start with massive raids and other actions against immigrants.

No matter that Trump says he does not know the bill his fingerprints are evident on this bill and we have to assume that by winning the election, which we hope does not happen, we are going to be in the worst crisis in the history of the United States.


All U.S. citizens must register and show up to the polls to vote, we must prevent this nightmare from becoming the reality of the next few years. With candidate Kamala Harris we have the opportunity to elect a pro-immigrant, pro-justice administration.